The Power Electronics Laboratory of EEE Department, IIT Guwahati was established in the year 2015. This instructional laboratory was established with the aim to impart education in the field of ubiquitous power electronics to the students of B. Tech and M. Tech as well as being a research lab for the research scholars. The lab has the adequate infrastructure in terms of equipments and instruments as well as trainer kits and simulation softwares for carrying out the experiments, projects and academic lab classes for the students.
A brief summary of the available lab equipments and instruments are:
EE 371 Advanced Electrical Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3-3
Syllabus: Load flow analysis, Reactive power compensation, Synchronization of alternators, characteristics of transmission line, fault analysis based on over-current and differential relays, IDMT relay characteristics, study of core loses in a transformer, V-curves of synchronous motor, understanding the protocols associated SCADA, wide area monitoring using PMU, understanding the working of micro-grid, single phase and three phase rectifier, square wave and PWM inverter, thyristor controlled reactor, static –VAR compensator, buck/ boost/ buck- boost converter, power quality: custom power devices, ac grid emulation, renewable energy systems: solar PV and wind energy systems, experiments on stability studies of smart grid using real time power system digital simulator, experiments on hardware in loop systems, HV AC/DC/ Impulse testing of solid and liquid insulation, partial discharge in liquid/solid insulation.
EE 561 Power Electronics Laboratory 0-0-3-3
Syllabus: Simulation of power electronic converters: thyristor rectifiers, buck and boost converters, DC-AC converters, PWM gate pulse generation in analog and digital modes, PCB design, Experimental verification of power electronic converters
Assistant Professor
Email: ravindranath@iitg.ac.in
Assistant Professor
Email: snath@iitg.ac.in
Technical Officer Gr-II
Email: paban.bujorbarua@iitg.ac.in
Jr. Technician
Email: r.singha.eee@iitg.ac.in