Arindam Dey
Associate Professor
+91 361 258 2421
arindam.dey @ iitg ⋅ ac ⋅ in
Research Interest:
*Geosynthetic Reinforced Foundation Beds *Geotechnical Lumped Parameter and Continuum Mechanics Modeling *Parameter Estimation of Geotechnical Models *Optimization, GA, ANN and Soft Computing in Geotechnical Engineering *Ground Modification and Improvement Practices *Soil-Structure-Foundation Interaction *Reinforced Soil Structures *Landslides and Slope Stability Analysis *Seismic and Ambient Health Monitoring of Geotechnical Structures *Reliability and Uncertainty Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering *Forensic Investigation in Geotechnical Engineering *Subsurface Profiling and Soil Investigation *Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
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