and Electrical Engineering
Key Research Areas : Gyrotrons, Vacuum Electronic Devices, Orbital angular momentum (OAM) communication, Metamaterial structures.
Phone No: +91-361-258-3280 (O) | Email: ashwinisawant@iitg.ac.in| Room No: 0303
Personal Website IRINS2013–2019 Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
2011–2013 M.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engg. Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
2006–2010 B.E. Electronics and Communication Engg. Institute of Technology and Management, Gwalior, India
Year | Position | Department | Institute |
2019–2020 | Post-doc. | Electrical Engineering | Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea |
2021 | Faculty | School of Electronics | Indian Institute of Information and Technology Una (IIITU) |
Course | Year |
Plamonic, Nanophotonic and Metamaterials | July- Nov. 2022 |
1. A. Sawant, I. Lee, and E. M. Choi, "Investigation of the origin of amplitude non-uniformity in vortex beams transformed by a transmissive structure", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation , vol.70 ,pp.4623-4631, [2022]. , https://doi.org/10.1109/TAP.2022.3140520
2. A. Sawant, I. Lee, B.C. Jung and E. M. Choi, "Ultimate capacity analysis of orbital angular momentum channels", IEEE Wireless Communications , vol.28 ,pp.90-96, [2021]. , https://doi.org/10.1109/MWC.001.2000258
3. I. Lee, A. Sawant, J. Shin, and E. Choi, "Accurate gyrotron performance prediction based on full 3-d magnetic field and electron beam information altered by nonideal factors", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , vol.68 ,pp.1276-1283, [2021]. , https://doi.org/10.1109/TED.2021.3053512
4. I. Lee, A. Sawant, and E. M. Choi, "High-directivity orbital angular momentum antenna for millimeter-wave wireless communications", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation , vol.69 ,pp.4189-4194, [2021]. , https://doi.org/10.1109/TAP.2020.3044602
5. A. Sawant, D. Kwak, I. Lee, M. Chung, and E. M. Choi, "Stand-off radiation detection techniques", Review of Scientific Instruments , vol.91 ,pp.071501 [2020]. , https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5134088
6. M. S. Choe, A. Sawant, and E. Choi, "High-density plasma diagnosis using quasi-optical millimeter-wave systems", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science , vol.48 ,pp.3935-3941, [2020]. , https://doi.org/10.1109/TPS.2020.3026016
7. H. Chung, D. Kim, A. Sawant, I. Lee, E. M. Choi, and J. Lee, "Generation of E-band metasurface-based vortex beam with reduced divergence angle", Scietific Reports , vol.10 ,pp.8289 [2020]. , https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-65230-7
8. A. Sawant and E. M. Choi, "Development of the full package of gyrotron simulation code", Journal of the Korean Physical Society , vol.73 ,pp.1750-1759, [2018]. , https://link.springer.com/article/10.3938/jkps.73.1750
9. I. Lee, A. Sawant, J. Shin, and E. M. Choi, "Self-driving energy-recirculating micromachined G-band folded-waveguide traveling-wave tube oscillator", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , vol.65 ,pp.3492-3499, [2018]. , https://doi.org/10.1109/TED.2018.2844822
10. I. Lee, A. Sawant, M. S. Choe, D.-J. Lee, and E. M. Choi, "Accurate identification of whispering gallery mode patterns of gyrotron with stabilized electro-optic imaging system", Physics of Plasmas , vol.25 ,pp.013116 [2018]. , https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5017558
11. A. Sawant and E. M. Choi, "Competition-free second harmonic mode THz orbital angular momentum gyrotron with dual-mode operation by a perturbed cavity", Physics of Plasmas , vol.24 ,pp.113109 [2017]. , https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5002732
12. A. Sawant, M. S. Choe, M. Thumm and E. M. Choi, "Orbital angular momentum (OAM) of rotating modes driven by electrons in electron cyclotron masers", Scietific Reports , vol.7 ,pp.3372 [2017]. , https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-03533-y
13. A. Sawant, D. Yu, D. Kim, M. S. Choe, and E. M. Choi, "Generation and validation of topological charges of high-power gyrotron orbital angular momentum beams from phase retrieval algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology , vol.7 ,pp.164-171, [2017]. , https://doi.org/10.1109/TTHZ.2016.2637868
14. D. Kim, D. Yu, A. Sawant, M. S. Choe, I. Lee, S. G. Kim, and E. M. Choi, "Remote detection of radioactive material using high-power pulsed electromagnetic radiation", Nature Communications , vol.8 ,pp.15394 [2017]. , https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms15394
15. M. S. Choe, A. Sawant, K.-S. Lee, N. E. Yu, and E. M. Choi, "Measuring the carrier lifetime by using a quasi-optical millimeter-and thz-wave system", Applied Physics Letters , vol.110 ,pp.074101 [2017]. , https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4976315
16. D. Kim, M. S. Choe, D. Yu, A. Sawant, and E. M. Choi, "A method for pulse shortening of high-power millimeter waves using plasma breakdown", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science , vol.44 ,pp.1320-1323, [2016]. , https://doi.org/10.1109/TPS.2016.2580706
17. D. Kim, S. G. Kim, A. Sawant, D. Yu, M. S. Choe, and E. M. Choi, "Study on statistical breakdown delay time in argon gas using a w-band millimeter-wave gyrotron", Physics of Plasmas , vol.23 ,pp.043505 [2016]. , https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4945749
18. S. G. Kim, A. Sawant, I. Lee, D. Kim, M. Choe, J.-H. Won, J. Kim, J. So, W. Jang, and E. M. Choi, "System development and performance testing of a W-band gyrotron", Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves , vol.37 ,pp.209 [2015]. , https://doi.org/10.1007/s10762-015-0221-1
19. A. Sawant, S. G. Kim, M.-C. Lin, J. H. Kim, Y. Hong, J. So, and E. M. Choi, "Validation of 3-D time domain particle-in-cell simulations for cold testing a W-band gyrotron cavity", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science , vol.42 ,pp.3989-3995, [2014]. , https://doi.org/10.1109/TPS.2014.2366191
20. A. Sawant, P. Jain, S. Illy, and M. V. Kartikeyan, "A triode-type magnetron injection gun for a dual frequency regime gyrotron operating at 42/84 GHz", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science , vol.41 ,pp.3115-3121, [2013]. , https://doi.org/10.1109/TPS.2013.2282467
1. A. Sawant, I. Lee, and E. Choi, "Orbital angular momentum multiplexing for a wireless backhaul communication system", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW) , IEEE [2020].
2. A. Sawant, I. Lee, M. S. Choe, and E. M. Choi, "Development of the second harmonic 190 GHz gyrotron for OAM communication", 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) [2019].
3. A. Sawant, I. Lee, and E. M. Choi, "Development of the second harmonic dual mode gyrotron for OAM beam generation", IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference [2019].
4. M. Thumm, A. Sawant, M. Choe, and E. M. Choi, "The gyrotron–a natural source of high-power orbital angular momentum millimeter-wave beams", EPJ Web of Conferences , vol.149 ,pp.04014 [2017].
5. A. Sawant, M. S. Choe, M. Thumm, and E. M. Choi, "Orbital angular momentum of gyrotron modes", 42nd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) [2017].
6. A. Sawant, D. Yu, D. Kim, M. S. Choe, and E. M. Choi, "Phase retrieval of high-power gyrotron orbital angular momentum beams", Eighteenth International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC) [2017].
7. A. Sawant, M. S. Choe, and E. M. Choi, "Proposal of mode selection criterian for advanced KDEMO gyrotron", EPJ Web of Conferences , vol.147 [2017].
8. M. S. Choe, A. Sawant, and E. Choi, "The experimental verification of Gaussian beam coupling for ECH transmission line at 400 GHz", EPJ Web of Conferences [2017].
9. I. Lee, A. Sawant, J. So, Y. Hong, and E. M. Choi, "Design study of an energy-recirculating G-band self-driving folded waveguide traveling-wave tube", IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC) [2016].
10. A. Sawant and E. M. Choi, "Dual band operation of a photonic band gap cavity for 400 GHz gyrotron", IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC) [2016].
11. A. Sawant, J. H. Kim, Y. Hong, J. So, and E. M. Choi, "Comparative study on PIC simulations of the gyrotron cavity", 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz) [2014].
12. P. C. Kalaria, A. Sharma, A. Sawant, J. Malik, S. Rao, M. V. Kartikeyan, and M. Thumm, "Mode purity estimation of the gyrotron rf beam", 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) [2013].
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati, Assam, India.PIN-781 039. Email: eeeoff@iitg.ac.in Telehone: +91-361-2582550 Fax: +91-361-2582542 +91-361-2690762
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