and Electrical Engineering
Key Research Areas : Smart Transformer Application in Power System DC and AC Microgrid Smart Transformer: Control and Applications Electric Vehicles and Battery Energy Storage System Power Quality, HVDC and FACTS Predictive Control of Power Converters
Phone No: +91 361 2583467 (O) | Email: chandank@iitg.ac.in| Room No: 0210
Personal WebsitePh. D. IIT Madras
1. Hrishikesan V.M., Kumar C., Liserre M., "An MVDC-Based Meshed Hybrid Microgrid Enabled Using Smart Transformers", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol.69, issue 4 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIE.2021.3071683) ,pp.3722-3731, [2022].
2. Manojkumar R., Kumar C., Ganguly S., Catalao J.P.S., "Optimal Peak Shaving Control Using Dynamic Demand and Feed-In Limits for Grid-Connected PV Sources with Batteries", IEEE Systems Journal , vol.15, issue 4 , (DOI - 10.1109/JSYST.2020.3045020) ,pp.5560-5570, [2021].
3. Hrishikesan V.M., Das D., Kumar C., Gooi H.B., Mekhilef S., Guo X., "Increasing Voltage Support Using Smart Power Converter Based Energy Storage System and Load Control", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol.68, issue 12 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIE.2020.3042165) ,pp.12364-12374, [2021].
4. Siddique M.D., Mekhilef S., Padmanaban S., Memon M.A., Kumar C., "Single-Phase Step-Up Switched-Capacitor-Based Multilevel Inverter Topology with SHEPWM", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications , vol.57, issue 3 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIA.2020.3002182) ,pp.3107-3119, [2021].
5. Zhu R., Liserre M., Langwasser M., Kumar C., "Operation and Control of the Smart Transformer in Meshed and Hybrid Grids: Choosing the Appropriate Smart Transformer Control and Operation Scheme", IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine , vol.15, issue 1 , (DOI - 10.1109/MIE.2020.3005357) ,pp.43-57, [2021].
6. V M H., Kumar C., "Operation of Meshed Hybrid Microgrid during Adverse Grid Conditions with Storage Integrated Smart Transformer", IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society , vol.2 , (DOI - 10.1109/OJIES.2021.3073142) ,pp.315-325, [2021].
7. Buticchi G., Lam C.-S., Ruan X., Liserre M., Barater D., Benbouzid M., Gomis-Bellmunt O., Paja C., Kumar C., Zhu R., "The Role of Renewable Energy System in Reshaping the Electrical Grid Scenario", IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society , vol.2 , (DOI - 10.1109/OJIES.2021.3102860) ,pp.451-468, [2021].
8. Das D., Kumar C., "Partial Start-up Scheme for Smart Transformer in Meshed Hybrid Islanded Grid Operation", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications , (DOI - 10.1109/TIA.2021.3124862) [2021].
9. Kumar C., Manojkumar R., Ganguly S., Liserre M., "Impact of Optimal Control of Distributed Generation Converters in Smart Transformer Based Meshed Hybrid Distribution Network", IEEE Access , vol.9 , (DOI - 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3119349) ,pp.140268-140280, [2021].
10. Dutta A., Ganguly S., Kumar C., "Coordinated Volt/Var Control of PV and EV Interfaced Active Distribution Networks Based on Dual-Stage Model Predictive Control", IEEE Systems Journal , (DOI - 10.1109/JSYST.2021.3110509) [2021].
11. Das D., Hrishikesan V.M., Kumar C., Liserre M., "Smart Transformer-Enabled Meshed Hybrid Distribution Grid", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol.68, issue 1 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIE.2020.2965489) ,pp.282-292, [2021].
12. Dutta A., Ganguly S., Kumar C., "Model predictive control-based optimal voltage regulation of active distribution networks with OLTC and reactive power capability of PV inverters", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution , vol.14, issue 22 , (DOI - 10.1049/iet-gtd.2020.0378) ,pp.5183-5192, [2020].
13. Manojkumar R., Kumar C., Ganguly S., Gooi H.B., Mekhilef S., "Voltage control using smart transformer via dynamic optimal setpoints and limit tolerance in a residential distribution network with PV sources", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution , vol.14, issue 22 , (DOI - 10.1049/iet-gtd.2020.0213) ,pp.5143-5151, [2020].
14. Hrishikesan V.M., Deka A.K., Kumar C., "Capacity Enhancement of a Radial Distribution Grid Using Smart Transformer", IEEE Access , vol.8 , (DOI - 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2987602) ,pp.72411-72423, [2020].
15. Kumar C., Zhu R., Buticchi G., Liserre M., "Sizing and SOC Management of a Smart-Transformer-Based Energy Storage System", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol.65, issue 8 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIE.2017.2784389) ,pp.6709-6718, [2018].
16. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., Liserre M., "Design of External Inductor for Improving Performance of Voltage-Controlled DSTATCOM", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol.63, issue 8 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIE.2016.2552148) ,pp.4674-4682, [2016].
17. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., "Operation and Control of an Improved Performance Interactive DSTATCOM", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol.62, issue 10 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIE.2015.2420635) ,pp.6024-6034, [2015].
18. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., "Predictive Voltage Control of Transformerless Dynamic Voltage Restorer", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol.62, issue 5 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIE.2014.2365753) ,pp.2693-2697, [2015].
19. Manoj Kumar M.V., Mishra M.K., Kumar C., "A Grid-Connected Dual Voltage Source Inverter with Power Quality Improvement Features", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy , vol.6, issue 2 , (DOI - 10.1109/TSTE.2014.2386534) ,pp.482-490, [2015].
20. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., "An improved hybrid DSTATCOM topology to compensate reactive and nonlinear loads", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol.61, issue 12 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIE.2014.2321355) ,pp.6517-6527, [2014].
21. Srinath S., Kumar C., Selvan M.P., "A simple digital control algorithm for three phase shunt active filter: Simulation and experimentation", Frontiers in Energy , vol.8, issue 1 , (DOI - 10.1007/s11708-013-0288-0) ,pp.119-128, [2014].
22. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., "A voltage-controlled DSTATCOM for power-quality improvement", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery , vol.29, issue 3 , (DOI - 10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2310234) ,pp.1499-1507, [2014].
23. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., "A multifunctional DSTATCOM operating under stiff source", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol.61, issue 7 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIE.2013.2276778) ,pp.3131-3136, [2014].
1. Das D., Manojkumar R., Kumar C., Ganguly S., "Optimal Power Management for Islanded Operation of ST-based Meshed Hybrid LV Microgrid", Proceedings of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition - Asia, ECCE Asia 2021 , (DOI - 10.1109/ECCE-Asia49820.2021.9479110) ,pp.183-188, [2021].
2. Kumar C., Manojkumar R., Ganguly S., "Optimal Placement of Smart Transformer Low Voltage Converter in Meshed Hybrid Distribution Network", Proceedings of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition - Asia, ECCE Asia 2021 , (DOI - 10.1109/ECCE-Asia49820.2021.9479233) ,pp.1795-1800, [2021].
3. Dutta A., Ganguly S., Kumar C., "Coordinated Voltage Control of Active Distribution Networks in presence of PV and Energy Storage System", Proceedings of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition - Asia, ECCE Asia 2021 , (DOI - 10.1109/ECCE-Asia49820.2021.9479012) ,pp.2028-2033, [2021].
4. Ghosh S.K., Kumar C., "Improved power sharing and voltage regulation with modified droop control in microgrid", 2020 21st National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2020 , (DOI - 10.1109/NPSC49263.2020.9331846) [2020].
5. Manojkumar R., Kumar C., Ganguly S., "Optimal demand response using dynamic electricity price limit in a hybrid AC/DC system", 2020 21st National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2020 , (DOI - 10.1109/NPSC49263.2020.9331852) [2020].
6. Dutta A., Ganguly S., Kumar C., "Model predictive control based coordinated voltage control in active distribution networks utilizing OLTC and dstatcom", 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2020 , (DOI - 10.1109/PEDES49360.2020.9379823) [2020].
7. Kumar D., Das D., Kumar C., "Multifunctional model predictive control of grid connected voltage source converter", 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2020 , (DOI - 10.1109/PEDES49360.2020.9379585) [2020].
8. Das D., Kumar C., "Partial Start-up Scheme for ST to Reconnect to MV Grid from LV Side Islanded Operation", 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2020 , (DOI - 10.1109/PEDES49360.2020.9379761) [2020].
9. Das D., V.m., H., Kumar C., "BESS-PV Integrated Islanded Operation of ST-based Meshed Hybrid Microgrid", 2020 IEEE 9th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, IPEMC 2020 ECCE Asia , (DOI - 10.1109/IPEMC-ECCEAsia48364.2020.9367663) ,pp.2122-2128, [2020].
10. Kumar C., Vm H., Das D., Ghosh S., "Control and Sizing of Two-Stage Smart Transformer in Meshed Hybrid Distribution Grid", 2020 IEEE 9th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, IPEMC 2020 ECCE Asia , (DOI - 10.1109/IPEMC-ECCEAsia48364.2020.9368198) ,pp.2129-2134, [2020].
11. Kumar C., Manojkumar R., Ganguly S., Liserre M., "Power Loss Minimization in Smart Transformer Based Meshed Hybrid Distribution Network", IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) , vol.2020-October , (DOI - 10.1109/IECON43393.2020.9254324) ,pp.1670-1675, [2020].
12. Hrishikesan V.M., Kumar C., "Smart Transformer Based Meshed Hybrid Microgrid with MVDC Interconnection", IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) , vol.2020-October , (DOI - 10.1109/IECON43393.2020.9255284) ,pp.4961-4966, [2020].
13. Manojkumar R., Hrishikesan V.M., Kumar C., Ganguly S., "Voltage Control Using Smart Transformer for Increasing Photovoltaic Penetration in a Distribution Grid", 2019 20th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems, ISAP 2019 , (DOI - 10.1109/ISAP48318.2019.9065949) [2019].
14. Dutta A., Ganguly S., Kumar C., "Voltage Control in Active Distribution Networks and an Approach based on Model Predictive Control", 2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems: Transition towards Sustainable, Smart and Flexible Grids, ICPS 2019 , (DOI - 10.1109/ICPS48983.2019.9067591) [2019].
15. Siddique M.D., Mekhilef S., Shah N.M., Kumar C., "A New Single-Phase Single Source Nine Level Boost Inverter Topology", IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) , vol.2019-October , (DOI - 10.1109/IECON.2019.8926664) ,pp.1521-1525, [2019].
16. Das D., Hrishikesan V.M., Kumar C., "Smart Transformer-based Hybrid LVAC and LVDC Interconnected Microgrid", 2018 IEEE 4th Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2018 , (DOI - 10.1109/SPEC.2018.8635923) [2019].
17. Hrishikesan V.M., Kumar C., Liserre M., "Flexible power transfer in smart transformer interconnected microgrids", Proceedings: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , (DOI - 10.1109/IECON.2018.8591115) ,pp.5535-5540, [2018].
18. Kumar C., Gao X., Liserre M., "Smart Transformer Based Loop Power Controller in Radial Power Distribution Grid", Proceedings - 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2018 , (DOI - 10.1109/ISGTEurope.2018.8571844) [2018].
19. Hrishikesan V.M., Das D., Kumar C., "A Flexible and Coordinated Voltage Control Strategy for Smart Transformer", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018 , (DOI - 10.1109/PEDES.2018.8707764) [2018].
20. Hrishikesan V.M., Kumar C., "Power management in a ST integrated medium voltage grid", 2017 National Power Electronics Conference, NPEC 2017 , vol.2018-January , (DOI - 10.1109/NPEC.2017.8310449) ,pp.141-146, [2018].
21. Das D., Kumar C., "Operation and control of smart transformer based distribution grid in a microgrid system", 2017 National Power Electronics Conference, NPEC 2017 , vol.2018-January , (DOI - 10.1109/NPEC.2017.8310448) ,pp.135-140, [2018].
22. Kumar C., Buticchi G., Liserre M., "Operation and control of smart transformer-based electric vehicles charging system", Proceedings IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , vol.2017-January , (DOI - 10.1109/IECON.2017.8216732) ,pp.4266-4271, [2017].
23. Kumar C., Zhu R., Liserre M., "Investigation of load compensation features of smart transformer in medium voltage grid", Proceedings IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , vol.2017-January , (DOI - 10.1109/IECON.2017.8216731) ,pp.4260-4265, [2017].
24. Hrishikesan V.M., Kumar C., Liserre M., "Voltage quality improvement in smart transformer integrated distribution grid", Proceedings IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , vol.2017-January , (DOI - 10.1109/IECON.2017.8216933) ,pp.5386-5391, [2017].
25. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., Liserre M., "LCL filter based UPQC configuration for power quality improvement", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting , vol.2016-November , (DOI - 10.1109/PESGM.2016.7741327) [2016].
26. Kumar C., Zou Z., Liserre M., "Smart transformer-based hybrid grid loads support in partial disconnection of MV/HV power system", ECCE 2016 - IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Proceedings , (DOI - 10.1109/ECCE.2016.7855451) [2016].
27. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., Kumar M.V.M., "Enhanced utilization of grid-connected inverter", 2015 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2015 , (DOI - 10.1109/PEDG.2015.7223065) [2015].
28. Kumar M.V.M., Mishra M.K., Kumar C., "A dual three-leg VSI based DSTATCOM in three-phase four-wire distribution systems", 2015 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2015 , (DOI - 10.1109/PEDG.2015.7223004) [2015].
29. Kumar C., Liserre M., "Operation and control of smart transformer for improving performance of medium voltage power distribution system", 2015 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2015 , (DOI - 10.1109/PEDG.2015.7223092) [2015].
30. Kumar C., Kumar M.V.M., Mishra M.K., "A control scheme to enhance DSTATCOM operation in power distribution system", 2015 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2015 , (DOI - 10.1109/PEDG.2015.7223034) [2015].
31. Kumar C., Liserre M., "A new prospective of smart transformer application: Dual microgrid (DMG) operation", IECON 2015 - 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society , (DOI - 10.1109/IECON.2015.7392798) ,pp.4482-4487, [2015].
32. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., "Dual-functional DSTATCOM with flexible mode transfer for power quality improvement", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting , vol.2014-October, issue October , (DOI - 10.1109/PESGM.2014.6939052) [2014].
33. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., "Energy conservation and power quality improvement with voltage controlled DSTATCOM", 2013 Annual IEEE India Conference, INDICON 2013 , (DOI - 10.1109/INDCON.2013.6726134) [2013].
34. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., "A multi-functional DSTATCOM operating in voltage control mode", 2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2013 - Conference Proceedings , (DOI - 10.1109/ICIInfS.2013.6731994) ,pp.271-276, [2013].
35. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., "A modified DSTATCOM topology with reduced VSI rating, DC link voltage, and filter size", 4th International Conference on Clean Electrical Power: Renewable Energy Resources Impact, ICCEP 2013 , (DOI - 10.1109/ICCEP.2013.6587009) ,pp.325-331, [2013].
36. Kumar C., Mishra M.K., "A control algorithm for flexible operation of DSTATCOM for power quality improvement in voltage and current control mode", PEDES 2012 - IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems , (DOI - 10.1109/PEDES.2012.6484392) [2012].
37. Srinath S., Kumar C., Selvan M.P., "Digital feedback control based dynamic voltage compensator for voltage sag mitigation: Simulation and experimental validation", 2012 IEEE 7th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2012 , (DOI - 10.1109/ICIInfS.2012.6304776) [2012].
38. Srinath S., Kumar C., Selvan M.P., "Dynamic Voltage Compensator: Transformationless control perspective", 2011 IEEE PES International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-India, ISGT India 2011 , (DOI - 10.1109/ISET-India.2011.6145357) ,pp.65-70, [2011].
Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship in year 2016
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati, Assam, India.PIN-781 039. Email: eeeoff@iitg.ac.in Telehone: +91-361-2582550 Fax: +91-361-2582542 +91-361-2690762
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