• header-logo.png Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
    Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
header-logo.png Department of Electronics
and Electrical Engineering
Arun Tej Mallajosyula

Dr. Arun Tej Mallajosyula

Assistant Professor

Key Research Areas : Photovoltaics and Green Hydrogen Generation, Flexible and Organic Electronics, Emerging Memories and Crossbar ReRAMs

Phone No: +91 361 2583469 (Office) | Email: aruntej@iitg.ac.in| Room No: 206

Personal Website   IRINS


Title : Flexible Resistive Random-Access Memories for Wearable Electronics [As part of Smart Wearable Advanced nanoSensing Technologies in Healthcare ASICs (SWASTHA)]
Duration : 2022
Funding agency : MeitY, DST [Project through Centre for Nanotechnology, IITG]
PI : Arun Tej M
Status : Ongoing

Title : Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program - Idea to Innovation (INUP-i2i)
Duration : 2021
Funding agency : MeitY, DST [Project through Centre for Nanotechnology, IITG]
Budget : 120
PI : Arun Tej M., Dipankar Bandypadhyay, Parameswar K Iyer, Dobbidi Pamu, and Akshai Kumar A.S.
Co-PI : Centre for Nanotechnology Faculty
Status : Ongoing

Title : Fabrication and demonstration of a state-of-the-art C-band optical modulator in silicon photonics platform for 400G networks
Duration : 2021
Funding agency : SERB
Budget : 39.27
PI : Ramesh K. Sonkar
Co-PI : Arun Tej M.
Status : Ongoing

Title : Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites for Solar Energy Conversion
Duration : 2020
Funding agency : SPARC (Project through Centre for Nanotechnology, IITG)
Budget : 25
PI : Parameswar K Iyer and Pulickel Ajayan (Rice University, USA)
Co-PI : Arun Tej M. and Aditya D. Mohite (Rice University, USA)
Status : Completed

Title : Flexible Memristors Using 2D Layered Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites
Duration : 2019
Funding agency : SERB
Budget : 49.93
PI : Arun Tej M
Status : Completed

Title : Establishment of Silicon Photonics and Microelectronic Devices Laboratory
Duration : 2018
Funding agency : DST-FIST
Budget : 285
Co-PI : Arun Tej M., Ramesh K. Sonkar
Status : Ongoing

Title : Large Area Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells
Duration : 2017
Funding agency : SuG, IITG
Budget : 5
PI : Arun Tej M
Status : Completed